Friday, February 3, 2012

from my phone

Just a few shots from my phone the last couple of weeks :)

First time grabbing a toy on his playmat. He has tried again several times and gets a little frustrated when he can't do it.

He is really getting into his bouncer and thinks those hanging things are hilarious :)

Colby is now a serious drooler!

Hanging out with dad in the evenings... I think it is so funny that he just loves this position but only with Dad.

The two month shots didn't go too badly. That evening Rick took care of Colby and he got a little fussy. Of course the bucket helped!

First time in childcare at church and we survived! Well, of course Colby was well taken care of. There were two babies and two workers, so I'm pretty sure this is what happened the entire morning. I may have shed a tear or two after I dropped him off and might have been the first one to leave the meeting when it was over. Colby did great!


  1. Okay I'm going to have to look into this bucket! It sounds like a great idea. We're having a hard time bending over the bathtub to bathe Jay in his infant tub! Where did you find it?

    1. It is fun! We have an infant tub too, but we still use it over the kitchen sink. We got the bucket at buy buy baby. We don't have it in Houston, so every time I visit my sister I find a reason to make a trip there. The only thing I sometimes don't like about it is that it can be awkward when you are by yourself to get him clean and rinsed. So I have been alternating between the infant tub and the bucket. I think Colby likes both... but the bucket keeps him warm and I think is more fun. I have the noggin nest and the nose freda thanks to you!
