Thursday, January 26, 2012

A new job

When Colby was born in November I went on maternity leave from teaching. I was all set to come back at the end of February, thankful for the holidays that made for an extra long maternity leave. Then came our little man and my whole world changed. And so last week, I went up to my school to turn in my resignation. And now I have started the new job of being Colby's mom... best job ever :)

I will certainly miss my class, but they had a great long-term substitute who will be able to finish the year with them. The hardest part is saying goodbye to my team. I LOVE this team! They have prayed for Colby, prayed for me, helped me make it to doctor's appts, and generally been my best friends since we moved to Katy. I will miss them like crazy! Teaching is a hard job but working with these ladies made it doable. I took Colby up to school with me when I shared my plans with them... you can't be mad at a lady with a baby ;) Of course they were so supportive of me, as they always are. I hope that when my stay at home days come to an end I will be able to rejoin these ladies... there are no better teachers around!
Colby with my door buddy and mentor teacher, Mrs. Richmond. She knew before I did that I would be staying at home... she's a wise lady :)
I love WoodCreek Elementary and all of the teachers there... hopefully somebody around there will need a substitute next year ;)

First trip to Fort Worth

We had a great trip to Fort Worth this weekend! We had so much fun that Colby and I stayed until Wednesday :) This was Colby's first trip to Fort Worth and he was a trooper! The night before his 2 month birthday he celebrated by sleeping for 6 hours. It didn't hurt that Lexy had slept in the same kind of bassinet that Colby sleeps in at home and she let him borrow it. Here are a few of the things we did:

Spending lots of time with Gran

Colby got to try Lexy's bucket! Lexy just loves it and it turns out Colby does too... so now he has a bucket :)

Colby crashing Lexy's bedtime story

Time playing on the floor together
Lexy taught Colby one of her bad habits (he might have taught her a few too :))
On Sunday morning we went to "Our Place" to enjoy breakfast to celebrate Uncle Royce's birthday. It was so yummy! Lexy and Aunt Jen ready to head to breakfast:
At "Our Place" they have a place to measure your growth. We all love breakfast there, so I think it will be fun to take Colby's picture there whenever we go. Here's the first one!

One afternoon while Missy was at work, Gran, Colby and I went to do a little shopping. When we left the store it was almost time for Colby to eat, but he was out cold, so I just knew he would sleep through the car ride home so I could nurse him more comfortably there. Then we got on the highway and ran into the craziest traffic. We weren't there 2 minutes when Colby made it very clear he was hungry. Gran pulled off to find the nearest safe place for me to nurse, which turned out to be the parking lot of the police department. Of course then Colby needed a diaper change and we needed a restroom break, so we decided a photo op of Colby's first time in a police department was in order.

Rick had to work this week, so he and Grandad came home on Sunday while Colby and I stayed in Fort Worth until Wednesday. It seemed like forever to be away from Daddy and Colby was so happy to see him on Wednesday evening!

Thank you Aunt Missy, Uncle Royce, and Lexy for your hospitality! We loved staying with you and can't wait to do it again soon!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Two Months!

Colby is 2 months old! On one hand it seems like it has been so much longer than that, I can't remember what it was like before he was in our family. On the other hand... it seems like it was yesterday that we were meeting him for the first time! This month SO much has changed, I can hardly believe it. As I'm typing this, I am listening to him upstairs "talking" to his daddy. He is doing that more and more and I love it. He also does something that sounds like a pre-laugh which melts my heart.

The number one best/biggest change is that he smiles! There is a sweet little boy in that crying fussing newborn! It has totally changed my life and I have fallen in love. I'll do anything to see those sweet smiles. They even come first thing in the morning and after naps. But mostly on a full tummy when I play with him on the floor.

So many things have improved this month that it is hard to list, but I'll try.

Feeding: During his first month, I felt like I couldn't feed him enough. Nursing is so difficult! But this month he has slowed down to eating about every 3 hours during the day.

Sleep: He usually eats between 9 and 10 and then will sleep the long stretch of the night. Just in the last week that stretch has gone 5 or 5 and a half hours. LOVE IT. He is great about getting up to eat and going right back to sleep also, which is a blessing. He has started this funny thing though where he gets up around 7:30 or 8, no matter what time he ate last, and just smiling and cooing in his bassinet. It sure is a nice way to wake up.

He loves playing on his play mat. He kicks and looks at all of the hanging things. He likes to lay in the boppy and have books read to him or just play games. He really likes our walks around the neighborhood and is staying awake for more and more of them. I think he likes baths the most. He seems to enjoy being in there as long as we keep him warm.

Colby DISLIKES tummy time. Or some word stronger than dislike :) Dr. B says we have to get on it though, so Mommy is going to get out the tough love. Ha! He also does not like it when he has a hard time getting to sleep.

We saw Dr. B today (a few days late) and she says you are looking great! Gran went with us for moral support. You definitely let out some screams when the shots came and I shed a tear. But after a little cuddling you pretty much wanted to go to sleep. We'll see how you feel later... but you were a trooper!

Height: 23 inches
Weight: 11 lbs 13 oz
Head: 15 1/4 inches

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Meeting the Wolfingers

This weekend we had so much fun taking Colby to meet the Wolfinger side of his family. We are never together enough... so we soak up every second when we can!

Colby meeting Aunt Susan

and Aunt Janie (all the way from Pennsylvania)

After we ate an amazing dinner (thanks to Uncle John), it basically turned into what most family gatherings do... football watching and a hen party. Even after being a mom for just 7 weeks, I had plenty to ask and share about with these ladies.

And Colby hung out with the guys watching football
Emily and I representing the cousins

Here is my dad with 3 of his four siblings

All of the family there... except Rick who was sweet to take the picture

We missed so many who couldn't be there... and we only said nice things about you! Family is such a treasure... Rick, Colby, and I are incredibly blessed to have the families that we do.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Happy New Year!

and another sweet meeting! So we've met cousin Lexy, Trystan, and now Colby got to meet Maggie Rose! Lauren, who has been in my life longer than she hasn't (like 20 years Lauren... if I'm calculating that right!!!), had her sweet girl before Christmas... just weeks after Colby. Really, I loe being a mom with her. I can't even count how many calls and texts have been sent in the middle of the night asking each other for help and offering encouragement. Something so reassuring about figuring out what to do with a sweet baby in the dark of the night when you know your best friends are just a text away.

Anyway... as we are all new to this baby thing, we decided a New Year's Eve celebration in our pj's with sparkling cider was in order. The evening may or may not have consisted of snacks, feedings, diaper changes, and talk of how crazy all of this baby business is. Neither the Maas or Turner families made it to midnight, although we were both probably up again shortly after :) What a sweet way to ring in the New Year! We are so blessed to have such friends in our lives that we can wear pj's and be real with... diapers and all. Hopefully Lauren won't hate me for the pj pics!

Colby and I ready to party :)
Colby is wearing his New Year's shirt from Gran and Grandad

Sweet Maggie Rose (is that a song title? I think it should be) with Colby

And all of us in our pj's
Looks like an amazing 2012!

Meeting Trystan Grace

Backing up to before Christmas... we got to have another special meeting for Colby and me! Not only was I pregnant at the same time as my sister, but also my two besties. Shannon and I had our babies less than a week apart! Shan and I have shared so many things in life but I know raising our kids along side each other will be the sweetest journey yet. Shannon was with us the day Colby was born... and the day after when I was sick even though she was 10 months pregnant, because that's what besties do :) So this is her third time to see Colby.

But my first time to hold sweet Trystan! She is just precious... I love her bows!

And then the really fun part... the beginning of what I know will be a sweet friendship.

Precious Brayden was here too, but he was too busy showing Uncle Rick his spiderman to be photographed.

Love being able to introduce Colby to people who have loved him and prayed for him long before he was ever on his way!