Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Welcome to the world Colby David!

He's only 2 weeks old and our whole world has changed! What a joy God has given us. A few weeks before Colby's due date, it became apparent through some ultrasounds that he was "large for gestational age." Ha! According to the u/s, he would be in the upper 9 to 10 lb range and my sweet Dr. Schmidt was not crazy about letting him go to term. So we decided with her to schedule a c-section on November 22. 11-22-11... pretty cool birthday I think. While it wasn't what I planned, I just so wanted him to come to the world healthy, I was ready to do whatever they wanted me to.

The night before Colby came, Rick's family came to stay and we all went to dinner with my family. I have no pictures because it was a disaster! We went to my favorite mexican place, and suddenly they wouldn't let us all sit at the same table. I was a ball of nerves and hormones, and I felt defeated that we weren't all together! My nieces were a good distraction though :)

I actually slept ok and woke up Tuesday morning ready to head to the hospital. Here is a pic of us taken by Addysen before we left for the hospital.

When we arrived they were all ready for us. I can't imagine how it feels to go into labor and head to the hospital, it was surreal walking into the hospital knowing that we would walk out with a baby! They got me all set up and before I knew it we were just waiting for Dr. Schmidt to arrive. I was so anxious and ready to hear that sweet cry. The most entertaining part of the morning was when the nurse had to rig up something to cover Rick's feet... apparently they didn't have his size in scrubs :) Here we are ready to go.

I won't go into it all, but having a c-section was the craziest thing that has ever happened to me. They kept asking me if I was ok... and all I could think was I can't feel anything below my chest... maybe you should tell me if I'm ok! Before I even knew it, the curtain was going up and Rick came in. During my pregnancy, I thought that hearing Colby's heartbeat was the sweetest sound I had ever heard. That Tuesday at 12:08, it was replaced with a new favorite sound of our son crying.

Rick and I have longed for a baby for so long. And my husband keeps no secret of his emotions surrounding being a dad. I knew from the first time we found out about Colby that seeing Rick hold his son would be one of the sweetest moments of my life. I was right. Rick was crying and just kept saying that he looked like us. The look in his eyes in this picture will be in my mind forever.

After a little time in recovery they brought sweet Colby to me. LOVE THOSE CHEEKS. Turns out he looks a lot different now than he did on his birthday, but the cheeks remain :) Most of the day was honestly a little blurry to me as I basically spent it sweating. But I also got to see the people I love come and meet this little man that we have prayed for for so long. Here are a few:

Gran and Granddad
Uncle Royce and Aunt Missy

Aunt Mindy

More to come about our hospital stay!

1 comment:

  1. How precious! I'm so excited for you all and can't wait to follow along and get to know sweet Colby from afar. 11-22 is Brock's birthday too : ) I know the first few weeks with a new baby can be challenging and I will be praying for the three of you!
