Thursday, April 26, 2012

Toes in the water

 Colby took his first dip in the pool... well, just his toes :)  The family that hosts our small group at church has a pool in their backyard.  Their daughter, Sam, is one of Rick's students and is so sweet!  She and her sister Amanda were being so sweet to Colby this week at small group and he was eating it up.
Sam helping C put his toes in
He knows how to win over the pretty ladies!

And this would be Sam holding onto Colby when he tried to dive in face first :)

Always a little love from Daddy
  I am pretty sure Colby will be ready for a real swim sooner rather than later!

1 comment:

  1. Love it! We'll have to go swimming together this summer when I'm in Houston! Colby is going to be a little fish!
