Sunday, December 29, 2013

Merry Christmas!

This Christmas was a little different for us but still full of family and fun.  The Friday that Christmas break began, Colby woke up from his nap and was inconsolable.  We ended up at urgent care and eventually figured out he had hand, foot, and mouth.  Since he had it once last year, I unfortunately knew what we were in for.  We had a long 4-5 days of him basically barely eating and being really sad.  But on Christmas Eve morning he woke up almost back to himself.  And I woke up with pink eye.  Awesome.  We were still able to enjoy Christmas Eve with family even if we couldn't go to church.  Missy had us over to her house for a yummy mexican dinner and opening presents.
Playing with his new cars stacking toy
Lexy's always a helper
He was better but not 100%... so lots of snuggles for mama.
Christmas morning we enjoyed opening gifts and seeing what Santa brought Colby.  Then Gran, Pop, Aunt Missy and Lexy came over for brunch and presents.

After they left when I was going to get Colby some lunch, I realized he had a fever!  Ugh!  So that effectively ended his Christmas celebration.  I did go over to my parents later to see my Grandmother, Uncle Roy and Aunt Shirley... swollen eye and all :)

Colby continued to have a fever off and on so we had to cancel our trip to Victoria to celebrate Christmas with them until January.

The good thing about being sick on Christmas is it forces you to simplify.  And we absolutely still celebrated Jesus and are thankful for his birth.  Merry Christmas!

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