Sunday, December 30, 2012

Merry Christmas!

Christmas morning was just the three of us :)  For some unknown reason Colby decided to get up super early... so we opened presents at like 6:30.  So much fun!
Santa meant to keep it simple but obviously got carried away!

 Around lunch time we had a whole crew over!  Gran, Grandad, Aunt Missy, Lexy, Uncle Roy, Aunt Shirley and Grandmother all came over for lunch and presents.  

This girl loves a stage
Reading his Bible stories with Grandad (not a new book... just his favorite)
We had such a great day full of family and good food.  I love the picture above because it is a perfect one of my favorite thing... a full house!  Blessed.

After that we headed down to the hospital to visit Rick's dad.  A few weeks before Christmas, Thomas had a shoulder surgery.  A few days before Christmas he came down with an infection and had to drive here for emergency surgery.  So he was stuck in the hospital on Christmas!  We met Aunt Mindy, Uncle Jason, Addysen, Shelby and Keny down there to bring some Christmas cheer.  We might have brought too much cheer and needed to leave after a short visit :)  Mindy's family had driven a ways though so we wanted to visit more.  That's when we decided on an impromptu dinner at the hospital McDonald's.

Several days after Christmas we drove to Victoria to have Christmas with Nana.  Somehow when we get them all together there is too much going on to remember to take pictures!

Getting some work done on the way down
Dance party!
You can't see but this is an "after" of my makeover courtesy of Addysen
This is the hat Nana made him for Christmas... he LOVES it!
We also watched the Bears win their bowl game while we were there!!!  Sic 'em!

For several reasons this Christmas was a different one for our family.  But through it we saw even more clearly what a treasure family is. 

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