New this month:
Colby can roll both ways. He also sits most of the time rather than lay down. He still loves the play mat but often plays with it while on his tummy rather than back. Now he LOVES to jump! When we put him in the jumper before he played with it like an exersaucer. Now he jumps... and jumps... and jumps! And screams while he jumps.
Jumping! Bath time, walks, and being outside continue to be favorites. We also put his car jumper in the doorway going out onto the back porch. So in the evening we will sit out there. Daddy and Macy are tied for Colby's favorites. Usually Daddy comes home during his last nap. When I bring him downstairs he doesn't know Rick is there. But when he sees him and his little eyes focus, his face lights up in the hugest smile! Melts my heart :) And any time Macy comes around he squeals and waves his hands. The only difference is if it is time to eat, then Mommy is the winner. If Daddy is holding him when it is time to eat, his little eyes follow me around the room like a hawk. He never cries out of hunger anymore... but you can sure tell when he's ready.
Nursing now every 4 hours. The more interesting part is solid food! Colby is eating twice a day... sort of :) He eats cereal with banana mixed in for breakfast. The second time is whatever new veggie we are trying. So sometimes that is eating a little... sometimes a lot. He eats in the highchair about 45 minutes after nursing.
I think Colby sleeps well! He still wakes up once in the night/early morning... and I will be very happy when we are done with that. Taking 2-3 naps a day. At the end of last month we dropped the swaddle. The fun part of not being swaddled is watching him decide how to sleep. Mostly on his tummy. Sometimes on his side like mommy does. The not fun part of being unswaddled and not having bumpers is getting stuck. I can tell the "I'm stuck" cry pretty quick. Usually I look at the monitor to see an arm or leg stuck. Just as often though he has worked himself into a corner and I guess woke up and didn't like it. He is learning though and I like it a lot more because he looks more comfortable.
Colby had a good six month check up today! I got my list of questions answered too. He is growing and doing well! He got to show Dr. E how strong he is when she tried to check his ears and mouth. I can hardly believe that we don't go back until 9 months. He got his 6 month shots today and Gran came for moral support! All in all it didn't seem too bad.
Height: 25 1/2 inches
Weight: 18 lb 11 oz
Colby's personality is coming out more and more. He is louder than any of the months before but still sweet and cuddly. I am looking forward to seeing all that he will learn and do this month!
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