Monday, May 28, 2012

Happy Memorial Day!

All we have of freedom, all we use or know,
This our fathers bought for us long and long ago.
- Rudyard Kipling

Road Trip

This weekend we went on a road trip to East Texas!  My mom's family is from Henderson and we were headed there for her Uncle Joe's 80th birthday.  We went by way of Tyler to visit my Uncle and cousin and of course experience lots of firsts for the little buddy!  He did so great in the car for the trip.  We arrived in Tyler and checked in for C's first night in a hotel.
This if fun!
Time to stretch out/roll around after being stuck in the carseat.
Let me check out this cool chair :)
This hotel had an indoor pool which I thought would be great for C's first time in the water.  He LOVED it!  It seems like this boy will love the water and that makes us so happy.

Then C got to meet some of our family on my mom's side.  We all went to dinner and enjoyed catching up.
Colby with my cousin, Laura, and her husband Kevin
With Uncle Bill
Uncle Roy sure is fun :)
Colby loved both Laura and Uncle Bill.  He was giving out kisses and jumping all over the place.  We visited back at Uncle Bill's house and then headed back to the hotel.  I truly was really skeptical that Colby would sleep very well there.  We were out past his bedtime and we were all right there in the same room.  But that boy went to sleep and slept just like he does at home.
The next day we had lunch and then headed to Henderson for the party.  By this time, Colby had tuckered out a little after entertaining everyone and doing so many new things.  But we had fun seeing some extended relatives!
Gran introducing C to Aunt Mary who is my grandfather's sister
Grandmother and Aunt Mary
I can't believe I didn't get a picture with Uncle Joe, but he seemed to really enjoy the party!  We had a great weekend and are glad to be headed into the last week of school!

Thursday, May 24, 2012


On Mother's Day we had the great joy of dedicating our son to the Lord!  There are so many things I always looked forward to about being a mom and this was one of the many things I was excited to do!  We don't have any pictures of the service, but it was pretty precious.  When our family pastor got to Colby, he started using this deep voice because he said it just seemed appropriate for Colby :)  I guess C thought it was funny because he started kicking his feet and smiling so big.  Loved it!  Here we are all after the service:

Then we had everyone over for lunch to celebrate Colby and the moms.  It was a fun time and Colby was a ham as usual.  He sure loves seeing all of his family.


Aunt Shirley and Great-Grandmother
Colby with Mommy, Nana, and Gran
Aunt Shirley and Uncle Roy
Here is the verse we chose for Colby:
"Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful." Hebrews 10:23
Our family on my first Mother's Day.  It was the perfect way to celebrate.  God is so good and I am so grateful to be a mommy... especially to that precious little boy!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

6 months!

So last month I said I would freeze time if I could... I still feel that way!  But I see that "easy" stage is short-lived.  Colby isn't crawling yet.  But he is repeatedly rolling on a regular basis now.  He hit his head for the first time last week and I was right there and couldn't stop it in time!  Days of putting him down in one place and him staying there are gone.  And days of me chasing him around and scheming on how to childproof this house are looming.  But I love it!  It is so fun to see his little personality coming out more and more.

New this month:
Colby can roll both ways.  He also sits most of the time rather than lay down.  He still loves the play mat but often plays with it while on his tummy rather than back.  Now he LOVES to jump!  When we put him in the jumper before he played with it like an exersaucer.  Now he jumps... and jumps... and jumps!  And screams while he jumps. 

Jumping!  Bath time, walks, and being outside continue to be favorites.  We also put his car jumper in the doorway going out onto the back porch.  So in the evening we will sit out there.  Daddy and Macy are tied for Colby's favorites.  Usually Daddy comes home during his last nap.  When I bring him downstairs he doesn't know Rick is there.  But when he sees him and his little eyes focus, his face lights up in the hugest smile!  Melts my heart :)  And any time Macy comes around he squeals and waves his hands.  The only difference is if it is time to eat, then Mommy is the winner. If Daddy is holding him when it is time to eat, his little eyes follow me around the room like a hawk.  He never cries out of hunger anymore... but you can sure tell when he's ready.

Nursing now every 4 hours.  The more interesting part is solid food!  Colby is eating twice a day... sort of :)  He eats cereal with banana mixed in for breakfast.  The second time is whatever new veggie we are trying.  So sometimes that is eating a little... sometimes a lot.  He eats in the highchair about 45 minutes after nursing. 

I think Colby sleeps well!  He still wakes up once in the night/early morning... and I will be very happy when we are done with that.  Taking 2-3 naps a day.  At the end of last month we dropped the swaddle.  The fun part of not being swaddled is watching him decide how to sleep.  Mostly on his tummy.  Sometimes on his side like mommy does.  The not fun part of being unswaddled and not having bumpers is getting stuck.  I can tell the "I'm stuck" cry pretty quick.  Usually I look at the monitor to see an arm or leg stuck.  Just as often though he has worked himself into a corner and I guess woke up and didn't like it.  He is learning though and I like it a lot more because he looks more comfortable.

Colby had a good six month check up today!  I got my list of questions answered too.  He is growing and doing well!  He got to show Dr. E how strong he is when she tried to check his ears and mouth.  I can hardly believe that we don't go back until 9 months.  He got his 6 month shots today and Gran came for moral support!  All in all it didn't seem too bad.

Height: 25 1/2 inches
Weight: 18 lb 11 oz

Colby's personality is coming out more and more.  He is louder than any of the months before but still sweet and cuddly.   I am looking forward to seeing all that he will learn and do this month!

Happy halfy to my buddy!

We had a fun day today celebrating Colby's half birthday!  Sadly it included a doctor's appointment with shots, but that didn't ruin his mood too much.  This evening Gran and Grandad came over for a little party.
Half a cake for half a year!

Give me some cake!
I got a jeep from Gran and Grandad!
Spoiled :)
And a music table from Mommy and Daddy. 
 What a lucky boy! 

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Lexy's Halfy

Lexy came to visit to let us help her celebrate her half birthday!  This girl sure has grown in six months and she is so sweet and loving.  She used to be kind of rowdy and Colby was so serious, now she is just so sweet and Colby is getting a little rowdy.  They are both so fun!
Lexy got a big girl chair for her half-birthday!
Beautiful girl with her beautiful mommy!  Notice the bow...
Mommy and Aunt Missy are mean!  Lucky for him he still looks all boy.

I got some quality time with Lex while Colby napped.
And Colby got some kisses from his Aunt!
Best pic ever :)

Grandparents with their sweet girl
Don't mess up the cake that my mommy decorated you boy!

Don't worry Lexy, I've got you!

 Happy halfy sweet Lexy!  You are such a joy to us and we couldn't love you more!

Dates :)

Colby is a lucky little boy to have three besties already... who just happen to be beautiful girls!  Sadly for them he is already pulling on bows and giving "love pinches."  They seem to be ok with it, I think they can each hold their own!

One Saturday we met Maggie and her parents for a snocone... yum!

Sweet girl!  Colby was a little obsessed with watching Ryan.

Mags let Colby try her hat

Then another day, Maggie's mom got to work from home and Lexy and Aunt Missy were in town.  So fun!  We never could have imagined this sweet picture when the three of us were busy having slumber parties in middle school!

Lexy is such a love.  Just holding onto Mags like, "I'll take care of you friend!"

And we got to go play at Trystan's house.  She has so many fun toys to play with!  And she doesn't get bothered by Colby pulling on her.  Maybe because she has a big brother who has gotten her ready to deal with boys!
Growing up so fast

Sorry T!