Things change so quickly with Colby! It is so easy to hope for the next stage as you are just sure that it will be easier in some way. Namely that it will involve more sleep :) However, I don't want to forget the sweet things he does today. And you truly never know when he just did something for the last time because tomorrow he'll find a new big boy way of doing it.
About a month or so ago, I started having to hold Colby's arm when I carry him down the stairs. He gets a wild hair sometimes and jerks his body around and you never know which way he'll go. I was always scared I would drop him or we would both fall, so I started holding his arm. At some point he returned the favor and started holding my thumb. My heart melts every time he does it... he even does it when he's so tired he's practically asleep. I want to remember that :)
We've Moved!
3 years ago
yes you do! How precious!