Wednesday, March 28, 2012

These days...

Practicing sitting with Macy's assistance

Sitting in the hi-chair while Mom and Dad eat dinner

Putting everything into my mouth!

Having lunch with Aunt Shannie

And with sweet smiling Trystan

Trying out my new shades

Riding forward in my stroller is way better!

Waiting for Dr. B with Daddy

Playing with his favorite frog toy in the bumbo

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Four Months!

I really can't believe 4 months have already passed! Like 1/3 of a year! This boy gets sweeter and smiles more every day.

New this month:

Colby found his voice and it cracks me up! Before now he definitely made some noises, but I don't think he understood it. When we went to Fort Worth for spring break he really got to talking... that Lexy showed him how it's done! We got him out of the bath one night, I laid him on the bed to get him ready to go to sleep, Missy sat down next to him and he just started telling her a story. And he hasn't stopped :) He talks in the middle of the night when he wants to eat, when he's trying to go to sleep, when he's nursing, even when he's out and about. He has a kind of low scratchy voice and I hope it never changes. It is so funny and I love it!

He still rolls from tummy to back but only sometimes. I see him rocking like he is thinking about going the other way soon... we will see! He sits up really well in his bumbo or just with a little support and seems to prefer that to laying down to play.

Eating continues to go really well and I am so thankful. Nursing was sure the hardest thing I've ever done for those first 2 or so months, but we seem to have worked it out. Clearly from these stats... he is getting enough to eat :)

Height: 25 inches
Weight: 16 lbs 4 oz (hello 77th percentile up from the 50th)
Head: 15.5

(as close to a sic 'em as we get at 4 months)

Sleeping this month has had its ups and downs to say the least. Maybe a growth spurt happened or something, but in the middle of this month he went back to eating a couple of times at night sometimes. Or eating only once but waking up several times when he wasn't hungry. But as of this week he's sleeping at night so much better! Going to bed around 8:30, waking to eat around 4 or 5 and sleeping until 8. Amen. Naps on the other hand are just plain out of control. Last month I kindly said he took naps anywhere from 45 minutes to 2 hours. Little did I know how the number 45 minutes would come to haunt me! He is clearly not happy with just 45 minutes of napping so it looks like we have some work to do on that this month. This is what C thinks of that:

I would say favorites for this month are: baths, talking, having clothes changed, toys where you sit up, when Daddy shakes him after his bath, and burp cloths. I really could take all of the toys back and just give him a burp cloth to gum and rub on his face and he'd be a happy boy.

We went to see Dr. B today and Colby got an A+. She is much happier with the results of his tummy time and said the flat spot seems to be improving and should correct itself. She gave some advice on the naps that Colby is not going to like as much. However, she said even if we don't fix that we still have a happy healthy baby and that is the most important thing. We couldn't agree more! She also gave us the green light for solids, so we'll see about that this month too.

This picture is Colby to a t. He is as sweet as the day is long and might have a tender heart just like his parents. What a joy it is to be his mommy!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Spring Break!

There are so many great things about being a teacher... and for me being married to one! At the top of that list is getting to enjoy a school schedule as an adult. The breaks are such a blessing and I can already tell how much we will love the time as a family. So we really lived it up for Colby's first spring break!

We started with a trip to Fort Worth to visit Aunt Missy, Uncle Royce and Lexy. What? This doesn't look like spring break attire? It was cold!!!
Back in the car and happy to be on the road!

We enjoyed a lazy weekend of play time, yummy meals, and time with family.

A little cousin talk time

When you have a heavy noggin... you need a place to rest it :)

With my sweet Lexy

Missy, Dad and I at breakfast

Colby and Uncle Royce

While we were in Fort Worth, Colby tried Lexy's jumparoo... and he liked it! So of course Daddy thought we needed one. So with a couple of supports, we enjoyed some spring break fun in the new toy. We had a couple of low key days at home that included jumparoo, some yard work for daddy, and Colby visiting Gran and Grandad so we could go see the Lorax. Fun!
Then it was time to see the rest of our cousins! We headed to Space Center Houston to spend the day with Addysen, Shelby, and Kenedy! I didn't really know how long Colby would last... but he did great. He saw his first movie (about space history) and spent lots of time being entertained by his cousins.
Uncle Rick teaching Shelby how to drive

Shelby entertaining Colby... he loves her!

Keny hanging out at the show... she and Colby both were happy all day watching what everyone else was doing.

Colby and Daddy waiting for the movie

With Uncle Jason, Aunt Mindy, Addysen, Shelby, and Kenedy

Colby talking to anyone who will listen :)

Keny showing Colby how to crawl

Then we ended the week with a visit from Nana! Colby showed off his talking and loved seeing her.

And we got to meet her new adopted pug Su-shee! What a sweet girl.

We had such a great spring break... Colby thinks it rocked!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

I don't want to forget...

Things change so quickly with Colby! It is so easy to hope for the next stage as you are just sure that it will be easier in some way. Namely that it will involve more sleep :) However, I don't want to forget the sweet things he does today. And you truly never know when he just did something for the last time because tomorrow he'll find a new big boy way of doing it.

About a month or so ago, I started having to hold Colby's arm when I carry him down the stairs. He gets a wild hair sometimes and jerks his body around and you never know which way he'll go. I was always scared I would drop him or we would both fall, so I started holding his arm. At some point he returned the favor and started holding my thumb. My heart melts every time he does it... he even does it when he's so tired he's practically asleep. I want to remember that :)