The number one best/biggest change is that he smiles! There is a sweet little boy in that crying fussing newborn! It has totally changed my life and I have fallen in love. I'll do anything to see those sweet smiles. They even come first thing in the morning and after naps. But mostly on a full tummy when I play with him on the floor.
So many things have improved this month that it is hard to list, but I'll try.
Feeding: During his first month, I felt like I couldn't feed him enough. Nursing is so difficult! But this month he has slowed down to eating about every 3 hours during the day.
Sleep: He usually eats between 9 and 10 and then will sleep the long stretch of the night. Just in the last week that stretch has gone 5 or 5 and a half hours. LOVE IT. He is great about getting up to eat and going right back to sleep also, which is a blessing. He has started this funny thing though where he gets up around 7:30 or 8, no matter what time he ate last, and just smiling and cooing in his bassinet. It sure is a nice way to wake up.
He loves playing on his play mat. He kicks and looks at all of the hanging things. He likes to lay in the boppy and have books read to him or just play games. He really likes our walks around the neighborhood and is staying awake for more and more of them. I think he likes baths the most. He seems to enjoy being in there as long as we keep him warm.
Colby DISLIKES tummy time. Or some word stronger than dislike :) Dr. B says we have to get on it though, so Mommy is going to get out the tough love. Ha! He also does not like it when he has a hard time getting to sleep.
We saw Dr. B today (a few days late) and she says you are looking great! Gran went with us for moral support. You definitely let out some screams when the shots came and I shed a tear. But after a little cuddling you pretty much wanted to go to sleep. We'll see how you feel later... but you were a trooper!
Height: 23 inches
Weight: 11 lbs 13 oz
Head: 15 1/4 inches
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