Tuesday, June 24, 2014

At 2 and a half...

I've been meaning to do a 2 1/2 year post for a while so as I'm typing this we are a couple months past.  Amazing all that can change over 6 months!  Colby is still a really happy boy who is a lot of fun to be around.  He laughs a lot, climbs everything, runs everywhere, and thinks he is Buzz Lightyear.  Before he jumps off of something, which is all of the time, he says, "To infinity, and beyond."  We continue to work on his speech and have recently started seeing a speech pathologist, Ms. Kelly.  He has lots of words now but doesn't often string them into sentences.  At 2 he never said mommy but that has really changed!  I've gone from ma to mama to mommy, or really mah-meeeeee, in the last 6 months.  My favorite to hear along with I love you and Amen. 
He is super affectionate and gives lots of hugs, kisses, and snuggles.  We spend lots of time with our friends (still all girls), Chloe, Maggie, and Trystan.  Lexy is definitely his best friend right now although they fight like siblings.

Colby is getting taller for sure but I don't think he is gaining any weight, probably because he prefers running to walking.  He likes to jump on the trampoline and play outside but also LOVES to watch a show.  His favorites are movies like Toy Story, Shrek, and all Veggie Tales.  He still loves to wear hats or anything else on his head.
He eats and sleeps well, although we only take a nap about half of the time.  The other days he "rests" and just hangs out in his crib.  Yes he still sleeps in his crib because he has never come close to climbing out!  I am of the mindset that if sleep is happening then we aren't messing with a good thing.  We do have a big kid bed picked out though so I'm sure that will happen before his next birthday.
There are still fits but now it is usually clear what the cause is.  Time out is becoming a little more effective and when he is done he will say he's sorry and rub my arm. 
I don't really want to remember my arm fat, but I do want to remember how genuinely sweet Colby is.  He often climbs up next to me and grabs onto my arm, tight, to watch a show or play a game.  I love love love spending my days with him and am grateful for the way he is growing up.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

These days...

Enjoying a cupcake at Lexy's halfie
Being silly with Gran
Gran also bought him his new best friend "ooh ooh ah ah"
C and Trystan sharing a chair and a cookie at lunch
A turtle friend that we found on the driveway... C has zero fear and was ready to play

Daddy got a new job as a science instructional coach... yay!
Teacher Ava and her students
Rick being recognized at the Katy school board meeting for a grant

Lexy's first dance recital