...Colby is growing up so much! I am still amazed at how much these babies can grow and learn so
quickly! I look back at that whispy hair one year old baby and wonder
how he grew to a spiky hair two year old.
Colby eats and sleeps well. And I am seriously so grateful for that! Favorite foods include rice/beans, quesadillas, strawberries, yogurt, applesauce, and goldfish. He can't get enough of a certain vegetable one week and the next week he hates it. It is so nice though to be at the place where you can find him something to eat wherever you go. He goes to sleep at 8 and wakes up between 7 and 7:30 (although over Christmas break we have stayed up later and slept later and I LOVE it!). He naps at 1:00 for about 2-3 hours. Every now and then he just plays and talks and never naps.
I try really hard not to think/use the phrase terrible twos. I am really loving this age so much because everything is so new/exciting/funny in his eyes. There are fits though. Yes there are. For NO reason. Or because I say no or stop. But they last like a minute and then it's like nothing happened.
Colby has been super fast on the physical development and slower on the verbal. He can climb playground rock walls meant for 5 year olds on his own in 2 seconds. He runs everywhere. If he could express it I think his lifetime dream at 2 would be to ride a mechanical bull. Daddy and Gran do the best versions of "ride 'em horsey". On the verbal front Colby really only has about 20-30 words. One of those words is not mama. Favorite words are outside, da-eeh (daddy), see (macy), no, yeah, whoa, wee, show, ball, ish (fish), bye, hi, bee (colby), pat and shoe.
As for size he is 34" tall and weighs 29 lbs. He wears size 2T but really all of the pants are too big for him. I am sure one day he will be really tall... but not yet!
Colby has such a sweet heart and affectionate personality. He loves to play with cars and buckets. At night he still lets me read him a book or two and rock him (most nights). He has the best laugh I've ever heard and thinks he is hilarious. Most days he can be seen wearing some version of a hat, whether it be construction, bucket, or baseball. He is happy to go to school and church and runs right into his class. He's also super happy when you pick him up. I couldn't love anything more than staying at home with him each day. These are certainly the best and sweetest days of my life. Can't wait to see what his third year brings!