I couldn't resist more chair pictures! 15 months is so fun. Colby continues to surprise us everyday as he learns new things. Here are the hilights...
He is growing so much in his communication. He all of sudden (from my perspective) understands so many things. Here are a few: let's eat, let's go upstairs/downstairs, let's go bye-bye, let's go inside/outside, let's change you (followed by running away :)). He still doesn't have many words, basically mama, dada, bye-bye, hi, cee (macy), ball, and shoe.
Eating is also more fun as he tries so many new things. On a normal day he eats 3 meals and 2 snacks. He is obsessed with baby food pouches. Favorites foods include yogurt, waffles, crunchies, and crackers. He has tried some fun treats lately with the rodeo in town. So in the last week he has tried apples with caramel sauce, funnel cake (loved it!), and cotton candy. He still will not drink milk. He drinks mostly water and sometimes juice added in.
Of course the ability to walk has brought the desire for independence. So we now often see small fits when he wants to go a certain way and we say no. He does a pretty good job listening for a 15 month old. His main struggles are biting and obeying when he's told to sit down or get off. He LOVES to climb and generally takes zero caution. Eating out is also getting more challenging. I try to bring a variety of foods but it doesn't always work.
We are now firmly in one nap territory. I was really not looking forward to it but I really love it now that we are here. He started that early really right after his first birthday. But now he sleeps at night from 7:30 until 6:30 or 7. Then he naps at 12:30 for 2 or 2.5 hours. It makes it so much easier to do activities and for that reason I love it.
We still go to My Gym each week. We just finished another session of music classes. Right after his birthday Colby moved up to a new room at church. This brought on our first round of separation anxiety. He cried so hard when we would leave him and just looked broken hearted. But when we would sneak back to check on him 5 minutes later he'd be fine. The last few weeks at church have been fine so that makes us so happy!
Colby did great at his 15 month well-check. He weighed in at 23lb 10 oz and 30 1/2 inches. They wanted to do a vision test which they had actually already attempted once at his one year. It involved getting him to look at this thing for like 3 seconds without looking away. Not happening :) So they sent us to a specialist who was able to dilate his eyes and check more quickly. Everything looks good!
We are loving this stage and all of the new things there are to try!