Thursday, September 27, 2012

10 months!

This month has been so incredibly fun and so incredibly hard at the same time!  I'll get to the hard part.  Colby continues to be an incredible joy.  He is such a happy boy and loves to love.  He is so so active... climbing, pushing, pulling, opening, shutting, cruising, crawling, and head butting.  Yes, the head butting continues with even more passion this month.

New this month:
- Tooth #3
- waving hi and bye
- started a new weekly music class.  This was perfectly timed because he is SO into music.  Whenever a song comes on, from a toy or even my music on my iphone, he rocks his little body and smiles so big.  If he's standing up he'll even bounce a little.  So music class will be a hit I know.
- standing on his own for a few seconds.  As soon as he realizes what he is doing he sits down!

Sad this month:
- First earache at the beginning of the month.  He had a day that he just would not lay down to go to sleep.  He was crying so hard and after it happened the second time I really wondered if something was wrong.  Then that night he was up every hour and I knew there was a problem.  We ended up "sleeping" in the recliner and on the couch and were at the doctor's office first thing.  Funny part... our normal doctor wasn't available so we saw someone else.  I explained to her my concerns and that I wanted to just rule out an ear infection.  Then she starts smiling at me politely and explaining rather condescendingly how this age is the prime time for the onset of separation anxiety.  Then she looked at his ears and said, "I've been wrong before, that's what we call a double ear infection."  I felt redeemed ;)

- The REALLY sad part of the month was when Colby got hand, foot, and mouth.  Wow... that stuff was ROUGH.  He woke up on a Sunday morning with a fever over 104.  We headed to urgent care and the doctor there discovered the sores in his throat.  We were able to control the fever with medicine for the most part after that, but the sores were not to be controlled.  He refused everything but nursing and was SO unhappy you could hardly put him down.  It was so sad to not be able to comfort him.  Probably 3 days later I noticed some improvement and then 5 days later a lot of improvement.  Now we have our happy boy back and I could not be more grateful!

Eating and sleeping continue to be the same.  We are trying more and more table foods.  He loves green beans, carrots, and bananas.  Today he had his first itty bitty bit of rice krispie treat thanks to his Gran.  Loved it.

More and more new sounds.  Ma, pa, da, ta, and na.  Whichever one he is working on is the first one he says when he wakes up.  And since he's learning to wave, he does that in his crib when he first wakes up too.  

We had a visit at the doctor this week just to make sure that the ears were completely cleared.  This boy weighed in at 22 lbs and 2 oz!  He practically runs using his walker and along the couch and has even taken a step to move between two things.  With fall approaching I can't help but think of life this time last year.  I was anticipating a little boy who would change my world.  Has he ever.  Being his mom is the purest joy!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

These days...

Just me in my diaper... with a good book and an end table :)

Surprise... Grandad got me up from my nap!

Waiting for the doctor with Gran

Favorite pastime... unloading cabinets

Another favorite... furniture rearrangement

Ready for Chloe's birthday... the first party I've been invited to!

Nectarines are YUMMY!

Big Boy Ride

This week C got a new carseat!  He was still within the limits for the carrier, but we knew he would also be ready for a bigger seat.  And when Gran and Grandad offered to buy it... we were thrilled! 
Last ride in the old carseat... waving bye!

First ride in the new seat... not so sure yet!
Ok... I love it!
And the box is a special bonus!

Welcome to my fort :)

Monday, September 3, 2012

Happy Birthday Daddy!

From this sweet girl

And this sweet boy
Hey, what's this on my head?
Let me see it!
No thank you!
Happy Birthday to the best daddy around... we love you!

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Helping Daddy

The week before school started we made a visit to Daddy's school for lunch and a little classroom set up support.  Really... I helped with bulletin boards and Colby was in charge of furniture arrangement.  Or destruction.  Depends on your perspective.  This will probably be the only time he'll get to crawl around on freshly polished floors before they are invaded by lots of 8th grade feet.

All good things...

We were certainly not happy to see summer come to an end.  During the last week we had Daddy at home we tried to savor every minute.  We decided to try out the tot spot at the Children's Museum.  Colby loved it.  He climbed up, slid down, crawled through, and played in every inch of that place.  Someone really needs to teach this kid how to have a good time ;)

 I would like to personally thank the children's museum for encouraging my son's OBSESSION with opening and closing doors.  Really... he didn't love it enough so the mini-door sent him into full on obsession! 
I didn't want to be a creepy mom taking pictures of other people's kids... but C did make a few friends there.  He's partial to cute girls :)  But really... when his cute bestie seems to show up on every mirrored surface... what other friends do you need???
We have had so much fun this summer!  C is a lucky boy to get this kind of time with his Daddy... and Daddy's pretty lucky too.

We look forward to seeing you again soon summer!