We laughed more this month than we ever have! Colby is such a funny boy. And such a love. And INTO EVERYTHING! This was the last month of summer and Colby and I both were sad for Daddy to head back to work this week. It will be fun to get back into some of our regular activities though. And to get some cooler weather so we can actually venture outside for more than 5 minutes.
Macy: Poor Macy and lucky Macy at the same time. She loves him so and just takes abuse after abuse. I tell her to run away but she won't! We are working on how to be gentle and sometimes he can. Maybe it is because of all the yummy things he drops? Really I think she just loves him and loves his attention.
Puffs/crunchies: ADDICT.
Water: in a cup, in a bowl, through a straw, in a pool... anywhere :)
Outside even if just for a few minutes in this heat
Hanging out in just a diaper (whenever there is a fussy time, this fixes it!)
Exploring new places (friends' homes, daddy's classroom, tot spot at the children's museum)
Having diaper changed (who has time for that these days)
Having clothes changed (it is not fun for things to go over your head!)
Being told no/stopped from messing with trash can/dog food/cables
Having his face and hands cleaned
Nursing 4 or 5 times a day and solids 3 times just like last month. He is just eating more now! Crunchies/puffs are "desert." I know he is full when he starts dropping the puffs off of the sides of the high chair for Macy :)
Going to bed at 7:45, nursing around 5, then waking up between 7 and 8. Sometimes he doesn't wake up for that early morning feeding. I love that uninterrupted sleep, but he sleeps later and seems happier if he does that early morning feeding. Then the entire day goes better. So I don't mind it so much! We also said goodbye to the pacifier to go to sleep. Once he started pulling up on his crib, it would fall out of his mouth and onto the floor. Then he would just get so angry that he couldn't get it! But he didn't need it to go to sleep so I just stopped giving it to him. Not a problem now!
When he plays with Macy he is starting to laugh and wrestle with her a little.
He has started some sort of head butting thing! He means it to be affection but sometimes it hurts! He also still gives us lots of kisses and spent most of our last Fort Worth trip trying to kiss Lexy.
When he's embarrassed or teasing he will put his face on the ground... and sometimes he'll even crawl with his face on the carpet like that! Then he just looks up and grins.
We went to the doctor and Colby did really well! He checked off all of the boxes he was supposed to except for "understanding the word no." Guess we'll get to work on that :) He is crawling all over, pulling up on everything, cruising furniture, and walking really well on his walker. Still saying the sounds ma, ba, pa... daddy is working hard on dada.
Weight: 21 lbs 8 oz
Height: 28 inches
I can hardly believe that C is 3/4 of a year old. And so close to walking! It continues to be the sweetest job to watch him grow and learn. We are beyond grateful.
We've Moved!
3 years ago