Monday, June 25, 2012

These days...

Sleeping like he's under arrest???
Obsessed with glasses at restaurants!
Meeting Carla who Mommy worked with in San Antonio
Playing with Daddy
Happy boy after he slept 11.5 hours through the night!
Love the new swing
Let's find a new way to play with this
Maybe as a tent??
Playing with his bestie

Saturday, June 23, 2012

7 Months!

This month has really flown by!  Maybe because it's summer or maybe because I have the feeling that I want to freeze time... but it is going by really fast.  Colby has been learning SO much this month.  He continues to be so fun.  He laughs a lot and screams just as often.  He "talks" all of the time.  He is such a happy baby and funny too.
Biggest news... teeth!  Rick had started calling Colby "Gums Turner" because there was no sign of a tooth at all yet.  When we were at Rick's cousin Sarah's house, Colby stuck my finger in his mouth and I felt the sharp point of his first tooth!  In retrospect I realized there was an evening at the lake that he had a hard time going to sleep and was fussy.  I thought it was just being in a different place and too many noises for him to get to sleep, but probably it was his tooth!  About a week later... tooth number 2!   So we have the two bottom teeth now... such a big boy.

Also new this month:
  • army crawling!
  • going from laying down to sitting up on his own (he's so proud when he does this)
  • obsessions: fireplace cover, PS3 cords, lamps, door stops, touching the banister on the way down the stairs, touching the skateboards hanging from the fan in his room, Macy
  • having a strong opinion and even grunting at Lexy when he wanted to express that opinion!

Favorites this month:
  • his new swing on the back porch
  • swimming
  • watching/flirting with people at restaurants and stores
  • playing with Macy
  • laughing at Daddy, anything with Daddy really
  • vacation
  • the moment someone comes to get him out of his crib (this is mommy's favorite too... he "hides" and then squeals when he sees you)
He continues to nurse really well although we have moved back to nursing every 3 hours (I think I was pushing it at 4 for no good reason :)).  He is eating solids twice a day still.  He is really getting better at eating although he really likes to "help" and that is trouble.  We started trying puffs this week and he is already getting the hang of it!  Sweet potatoes, carrots, and pears are favorites. Just for my memory, he also is rejecting the bottle more often than not at this point.  If it is at bedtime he will just go to sleep and wake up to eat a little earlier.  We're working on a solution!

Sleeping continues to go well.  The night before we went on vacation, that boy slept from 7:45 to 7:00 am for the first time!  But then we went on vacation and the teeth came.  He has done it a few times since, including last night, so hopefully it will become the regular thing soon!  Up until yesterday the naps had been going great!  Now that the sitting/crawling thing is happening though it has gotten a little rough again.  But hopefully once we get really good at it we won't feel the need to practice it during nap time!
I always mean to include our nicknames for him and forget every month.  So of course we call him Colb, little buddy, big buddy (no idea why we use both lol), nugget, nugget head (that sounds mean but he thinks it is hilarious), bug, and of course, Bubba.
I know I'm biased but Colby is such a snuggly love.  He is so silly.  He is spontaneously affectionate... giving unexpected hugs and kisses.  He is really touchy too... loves to rub our arms, pet Macy, and feel everything.  He has expressive eyes and eyebrows, although sometimes he seriously looks at you like he's just over it.  I can't wait for him to talk so I can know what he's been thinking all of this time.  Colby is so fun and it is a joy to get to spend my days with him!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

He DOES look like his daddy

Since Colby was born everyone always says how he looks like his daddy.  I can certainly see what they are talking about.  I also see myself in him a lot of times.  But these baby pictures don't lie.  He DOES look like his daddy :)

Monday, June 11, 2012

Meeting Baby Austin

On our way back from Fort Worth, we were so excited to have a chance to meet sweet Austin!  Rick's cousin, Sarah, and her husband just had this sweet boy a few weeks ago.  I couldn't wait to meet him!
He is just so small and sweet!  He, like Colby, looks just like his daddy!  It was also Colby's first time to meet Sarah.
We were double lucky because we happened to visit on a day when Sarah's mom was visiting too!  Rick's Aunt Cindy is so sweet and definitely has the gift of hospitality.  She made us the yummiest lunch.  And Colby loved her!
Here we all are together.  It is kind of funny to me that right now there is a HUGE difference between Austin and Colby.  But at they get older that huge difference will fade and they will be in the same grade one day!  Austin is such a beautiful baby and is a lucky boy to have such great parents.  What a treat to get to meet him!

Saturday, June 9, 2012

First Vacation

After our stop in Waco, we headed to our real destination... a lake vacation!  Colby never put a toe in the lake... but man did he love vacation.  He was seriously so happy.  I think for a couple of reasons.  He seemed to LOVE waking up to so many fun people... his Gran, Grandad, Aunt Missy, Uncle Royce, and Lexy!  How could you not love it?  A close second... being outside.  This sweet boy loves being outside.  It rained a little while we were there, but that didn't stop us.

First we stopped in Fort Worth to meet up with everyone.

Then we headed to Lake Nocona.  Uncle Royce's family has a lake house there that they are nice enough to let us stay in each summer.  Last summer Missy and I were about 5 months pregnant and basically sat/floated the days away.  Things have changed!  This summer we had two of the happiest little loves who had the best time trying new things and being together.

We swam...

We played...

We ate...

We shared...
Or at least tried to...
The daddies fished...
And the babies slept, so we relaxed...

When we went out to dinner, these two acted like big kids in high chairs...

One thing is for sure, Colby LOVES his Aunt Missy.

And we celebrated Grandad's birthday!
We had a great time!  Thank you Uncle Royce and Aunt Missy for hosting us... and Gran and Grandad for everything along the way.  We made so many fun memories!

Friday, June 8, 2012

Sic 'em Bears!

We have kicked off summer the right way!  We have already been on such a fun vacation.  On the way to that vacation we conveniently needed to stretch our legs in Waco.  You'll see from the matching shirts that this mom had seen that stop coming :)

First we visited the bears... they were sleeping :(

Then we took a few pictures on one of the famous Baylor swings.  Man this kid is precious in that green and gold ;)